Fees & Payments

What is the product currency on Omar Effendi Website?

We are using Egyptian pound currency.

What is the payments methods?

We have 2 options of payments as below:

  1. Cash On Delivery.
  2. Visa Payment.
What is the minimum order on Omar Effendi Website?

There is no minimum order. You can pay what you choose from our product catalog.

Shipping & Delivery

How do I arrange to ship my item?

Call our courier assigned to you, for pickup of your items or deliver at their center for faster shipment.

How much is shipping?

The shipping charges are discounted but vary per item type and weight. Please refer to listing flow for exact shipping fee, which are typically paid by Omar Effendi.

Who pays for shipping?

You can determine who will bear the cost of shipping. To attract Customers and get more orders, you may want to offer “free shipping” for select items or during certain holidays. In this case the cost of shipping will be deducted from your “payable” amount. Otherwise, the customer will be charged for shipping.

Note: it is a good idea to keep track of your competition to ensure shipping does not be deterrence for your offers.

Call Center Numbers:

Registration & Login

How do I register?

Click “Register” on the upper right corner of any page on Omer Effendi or click HERE

How I can login to Omar Effendi Online Shop?

Our Customers can login using Facebook Account OR Google Account.

How I can change or modify the shipping address?

Click “User Icon” on the upper right corner of any page on Omer Effendi or click HERE